Showing 37–46 of 46 results

Rosco N.9

Reduces incident light level by three stops. Extra-wide 60 in. Optically clear.

Rosco N.6

Reduces incident light level by two stops. Extra-wide 60 in. Optically clear.

Rosco N.3

Reduces incident light by one stop. Extra-wide 60 in. Optically clear.

RoscoSun 85

Standard window correction to convert 5500K daylight to 3200K. Extra-wide 60 in. Optically clear.

Quarter Straw (1/4 CTS)

A yellower (or less red) version of 1/4 CTO. Converts 5500K daylight to 4500K. Deep-dyed base.

RoscoSun (2 CTO)

Converts 10,000K daylight to 2400K. An overcorrection filter designed for special applications. Deep-dyed base.

Tough MT 54

A straw correction for white flame arcs and HMI. Deep-dyed base.

Tough Y-1

A pale straw filter standard in U.S. for use on HMI or white flame arcs to absorb UV and reduce

Tough MTY

A single filter combining MT2 and Y-1 for correcting 5500K white flame arcs and HMI to 3200K. Deep-dyed base.

Tough MT2

Used in combination with Y-1 for correcting 5500K white flame arcs and HMI to 3200K. Also used as an amber